Wednesday, August 26, 2020

American Government Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

American Government - Personal Statement Example In the United States, as per PLU (n.d.), President Bush has been a backer of genius redistributing strategies and supporter of facilitated commerce. The President accepts that the nation profits by re-appropriating over the long haul in spite of the fact that there are short-run disservices in the framework. Bush’s organization calls the framework as another method of doing universal business. Emergency made by redistributing. The Heffner’s (2010) study said that over the previous years, 3.7 million assembling work in the U.S. have been lost on the grounds that the laborers can't rival the pace of third world’s compensation. For instance, he refered to the pay of a designer in US is $100,000, while this sum is as of now likeness 3 specialists in the third world. Hemphil (n.d.) determined its expense and media transmission work in US as $100 every hour while same work should be possible in India or China at $20 every hour. Rees, 2004, a creator of work strategies, said that the impact of redistributing was felt by representatives who lost their positions, and to other people who had to acknowledge low paying employments due to changes. There are likewise social expenses and weaknesses brought about by excruciating disengagements and detachment of families. On the administration side, the administration will in general lose personal charges for positions re-appropriated in different nations in addition to the venture and capital moved somewhere else.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Illusion in the tempest Essays

Deception in the whirlwind Essays Deception in the whirlwind Paper Deception in the whirlwind Paper Article Topic: The Tempest Deception is a key topic in the play as it is basic to Shakespeare’s interest with and conversation of what is genuine and what is hallucination, displayed in numerous scenes of the play. It is additionally apparently, Prospero’s one and extreme power.â The sensational opening scene of the play which is the premise of its whole plot is later uncovered to be a finished fantasy made by Prospero’s fundamental soul, Ariel, on his orders.â Prospero all through the play has an arrangement to attempt to recapture his legitimate situation of Duke of Milan and reset the chain of importance which is promptly broken in this first scene. Deception is his key weapon in executing this ‘plan’. The entirety of the three subplots (Prospero, Miranda and Ferdinand, Trinculo, Stephano and Caliban and Sebastian, Alonso and Antonio) are settled with Prospero’s utilization of dream. This shows up as the feast and the wench for Alonso, Antonio and Sebastian, as a masque for Ferdinand and Miranda and as the soul hounds pursuing Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo into a marsh. In these circumstances Prospero utilizes his spirits to make a scene to attempt to fortify the point that he is making. The three deceptions reflect anecdotes, the principal cautioning against greedy, the second admonition against sex before marriage, â€Å"Whose promises are that no bed-right will be paid/Till Hymen’s burn be lighted† (Act 4 Scene 1) and the third story cautioning against theft.â Ariel’s fantasy of music is vital to attracting characters and satisfying Prospero’s plans for them. Caliban, Trinculo and Prospero are lead through â€Å"Toothed briars, sharp furzes, prickling gorse, and thorns†. Here the hallucination nearly appears to be genuine as they can't resist the opportunity to follow something non-existent. Deception on the island just appears to influence the individuals who Prospero needs it to, authorizing his situation as controller. For instance, Gonzalo (a caring squire) sees prosperous greenery, while Antonio and Sebastian (deceptive plotters) see a ruined and futile island.â Caliban appears the main character safe to Prospero’s hallucinations. He doesn’t care for the spectacular garments while Stephano and Trinculo are in a split second pulled in to control got through the robes. This shows Prospero is recovering his capacity through his misleading force. This is unexpected as Caliban is the beast and dumb being, however he can see through the deception.â The submerged boat hallucination is the most significant figment in the play, as it establishes the pace for the connections and feelings all through the play. Alonso wouldn’t be so troubled on the off chance that he discovered the fantasy of the wreck was phony and that his child had not kicked the bucket. Sebastian and Antonio might not have chosen to plot to execute Alonso on the off chance that they realized Ferdinand was as yet alive. The Shipwreck is the fantasy that sets the ball moving for the topics and intrigues in the play. In spite of the significance of Prospero’s dreams, he acknowledges their confinements as just deceptions that impact the psyche instead of body. He needs to compel Caliban to gather him wood, â€Å"He makes our fire,/Fetch in our wood, and serves in offices† and he expresses that he can't impact the fascination among Miranda and Ferdinand. Show see just The above review is unformatted content This understudy composed bit of work is one of numerous that can be found in our GCSE The Tempest area.

Friday, August 21, 2020

60 Compelling Argumentative Essay Topics

60 Compelling Argumentative Essay Topics Everyone likes to argueâ€"whether they like to admit it or not. But when it comes to the time when its actually appropriate to take a side and passionately defend it (an argumentative essay in your writing class), you might be finding it difficult to think of what to argue. An effective argumentative essay will have the reader questioning what they think about a topic and maybe even potentially change their minds. A really effective argumentative essay might also make the reader angry because theyre broaching topics that can be deeply personal to many.Whatever kind of argument you choose to write about, always be sure to back up your claims with good research and facts. Though you can definitely have an opinion in this essay, your argument will always be more credible with facts than just by going on how you feel. Facts, in the end, will always win out against how people are feeling at a particular moment.When you find yourself getting stuck on what to write, take a look at these ide as for argumentative essays for some inspiration for your paper, or to expand on these ideas and create your own topic.What makes a good essay topic?Though you may know what format, style guide, and whether or not the essay should be double spaced, you may be confused on what actually makes a good essay topic. While it may be easier to write an essay on something that is easy to agree on (like the fact that George Clooney is a very handsome man), theres just really not a lot of interest in the topic because this is something everyone already knows to be true. What were looking for in an argumentative essay topic is something that might expand peoples minds and allow them to look at a topic in a new light. The idea isnt necessarily to convince them of your side (though of course that would be ideal!), but is really just to get them to expand their mind just enough that theyre starting to think about things from another perspective.Youd be surprised at what years of social and cultura l influences, education, and just plain stubbornness can do to make a person adamant that their side and opinion is right. Argumentative essay topics are so important because they are debatableâ€"and its crucial to always be critically thinking about the world around us. Why do we do things a certain way? Is it because its right or is it because this is what weve always known? To constantly be questioning and arguing and thinking is really the true sign of learning. As we start to think about that idea, here are a few ideas to get you started on your own essay.Education essay topicsEducation is a topic that definitely affects each and every one of us. Education scholars are constantly evolving the way they think about how we learn and what is taught. So while these ten ideas are enough to get you started thinking about education and its role in society, the essay topics are really endless.How do you feel about the Common Core State Standards? Do you feel it hurts or helps K-12 stude nts?Should we ban vending machines in schools?Should charter schools replace the public school system that we know now?Do you believe that the decades since Brown v. Board of education have actually brought equality in education?How does the poverty of a childs parents affect their education?Many policy makers are pushing STEM education. Why is this?How does gender affect education?Do traditional discipline methods really work on students?Why do other countries measure ahead of the U.S. in education?Does homeschooling disadvantage students?Parenting essay topicsHow we are raised and who raises us can really have a huge effect on the culture and society as a whole. Nearly everyone has an opinion on how children should be raised, but which one is right? Is there a right answer? How do politics affect how we raise our children? These are the kinds of things you will be exploring when you write a parenting argumentative essay.Should men receive paternity leave?Why do we have obstacles i n the United States for women to receive paid maternity leave?How can we get childcare costs down in the United States?What is the best kind of parenting style?What are some parenting lessons that American parents can learn from other cultures?How does successful parenting affect literacy skills?How do overprotective parents affect childrens lives?Should parents be allowed to spank their children?Is breastfeeding in public acceptable?How can children get additional support in a single parent household?Womens issues topicsWomen have only had the right to vote in the United States since 1920. With less than 100 years of suffrage, women have certainly accomplished a lot when it comes to equality. However, according to many scholars and activists there is still a long way to go. With a subject thats sure to ignite some passion, there are endless topics to write about, but here are a few that we suggest.Should abortion be legal?Should religious institutions have to provide birth control methods for their female employees, even if it goes against their religion?Should the morning after pill be legal?Women statistically do not make as much money doing the same work as their male counterpart. How do you feel about this?Many say that legal prostitution is a womens rights issue. How do you feel about this?Should women have to sign up for the draft?What are the biggest challenges for women in the workplace?How long should women have for maternity leave?What are some of the biggest challenges for female politicians?Why do you think Equal Rights Amendments for women failed? Do you think one such law could ever pass in your lifetime?Legal essay topicsThere are many things to argue when it comes to the law. Law is constantly evolving with the ever-changing culture at large. Because of this, many disagree on how the laws should change (if they should change at all) and there are many topics to choose from. Here are a few of our picks.Should there be a federal law that allows marijuana to be legal?Should a person have the right to choose when they die?At what age should you legally be allowed to drink?Would you support harsher punishments for athletes who use performance-enhancing drugs?Is it an infringement on religious rights to have business owners provide services for LGBTQ weddings if they dont agree with the marriage?Should religious institutions be allowed tax exemptions?Do you believe the death penalty is justified?Should a prisoner be granted the right to vote after they have served their sentence?How do you feel about more federally restrictive gun laws and universal background checks?Should citizens who entered the country illegally be forced to leave? What about their children who were brought here?Technology essay topicsOur country and our world is extremely dependent on advanced technology. Its completely changed the way we work, think, and communicate with each other. Many people are huge fans of new gadgets and rapidly advancing technolog y, but others are ore wary of it. There are always a wide range of opinions on the subject of technology, and here are our favorite things to think about on the topic.Is an increased dependence on technology making us dumber?Should students be allowed to use smart phones in school?How do smart phones and tablets affect growth and development in children?Do you think technology has decreased or increased our communication with each other?Is print media dead?Do comment sections on social media and news sites actually promote good discourse?Technology has made a lot of manual labor obsolete. How do you feel about this?What should blue collar workers do when their job has replaced them with better technology? How should policy makers respond?Has online dating killed traditional ideas about romance and marriage?Do you believe that the government should enforce net neutrality principles on internet service providers?Society and culture essay topicsThere are always things we wish would cha nge about the society that we live in. Nothing is ever perfect, but we all still strive to make where we live to be the best it can be. The problem is that everyones interpretation of what makes a good society is different. Some people live their lives according to their religion while others dont think you should factor that into decision making when it comes to determining rules for everyone.Should sex education be required for all public schools?How do you feel about the Black Lives Matter movement?Do you think that affirmative action is still necessary?Should you be forced to say the pledge of allegiance at school?Should it be illegal to burn the American flag?How do you feel about groups like Westboro Baptist Church who are known to say hate speech being able to protest?Do you think collegiate athletes should be paid?Can committers of sex crimes be rehabilitated?Do you think the Electoral College should go away?Should the United States have one official language?Write about wha t you are passionateWhen it comes to writing an argumentative essay, the most important thing to do is to choose a topic and an argument that you can really get behind. Not only will this make the writing a whole lot better, but it will also keep you more focused when you are researching and writing. Though its unlikely youre going to have fiery passion about every subject you write on, pick the topic and side that most suits you. No reader wants to read a lukewarm argumentative piece. The reader wants to be persuaded and provoked. This wont happen if it appears you are disinterested in what youre writing about.If youve read through this list and youre still not finding a topic that fits what you are interested in, be sure to ask your instructor or a librarian for help with researching and writing an argumentative essay. Of course, if you have written an essay and youre not sure that its going in the right direction, seek out the guidance of classmates or other writers or get profes sional help from an editor.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Dry Ice Composition and Uses

Dry ice is the general term for solid carbon dioxide (CO), coined in 1925 by Long Island-based Prest Air Devices. Though originally a trademarked term, dry ice has become the most common way of referring to carbon dioxide in its solid, or frozen, state. How Is Dry Ice Manufactured? Carbon dioxide is frozen by compressing carbon dioxide gas to a high pressure to create dry ice. When it is released, as liquid carbon dioxide, it quickly expands and evaporates, cooling some of the carbon dioxide down to the freezing point (-109.3 F or -78.5 C) so that it becomes solid snow. This solid can be compressed together into blocks, pellets, and other forms. Such dry ice snow also forms on the nozzle of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher when it is used. Special Properties of Dry Ice Under normal atmospheric pressure, dry ice undergoes the process of sublimation, transitioning directly from solid to gaseous form. In general, at room temperature and normal pressure, it sublimates at a rate of 5 to 10 pounds every 24 hours. Because of the very low temperature of dry ice, it is used for refrigeration. Packing frozen food in dry ice allows it to remain frozen without the mess that would be involved with other cooling methods, such as water from melted ice. Several Uses of Dry Ice Cooling materials—food, biological samples, perishable items, computer components, etc.Dry ice fog (see below)Cloud seeding to increase precipitation from existing clouds or decreasing cloud thicknessTiny pellets can be shot at surfaces to clean them, similar to sanding ... since it sublimates, the benefit is less residue to clean upVarious other industrial uses Dry Ice Fog One of the most popular uses of dry ice is in special effects, to create fog and smoke. When combined with water, it sublimates into a cold mixture of carbon dioxide and humid air, which causes condensation of water vapor in the air, forming fog. Warm water speeds up the process of sublimation, producing more dramatic fog effects. Such devices can be used to make a smoke machine, although simplified versions of this could be created by putting dry ice in water and using fans on low settings. Safety Instructions Do not taste, eat or swallow! Dry ice is very cold and can damage your body.Wear heavy, insulated gloves. Since dry ice is cold, it can damage even your skin, giving you frostbite.Do not store in sealed container. Because dry ice constantly sublimates into carbon dioxide gas, storing it in a sealed container will cause pressure to build up. If it builds up enough, the container could explode.Use only in ventilated space. In a poorly ventilated area, the build up of carbon dioxide could create a suffocation hazard. This is a great danger when transporting the dry ice in a vehicle.Carbon dioxide is heavier than air. It will sink to the floor. Keep this in mind when thinking about how to make the space ventilated. Obtaining Dry Ice You can buy dry ice at most grocery stores. You have to ask for it, though. Sometimes there might be an age requirement on buying dry ice, requiring someone age 18 or over. You can also make dry ice. Edited by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Ethical Dilemmas in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1276 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2018/12/14 Category Medicine Essay Type Review Level High school Tags: Business Ethics Essay Did you like this example? Introduction To provide an insight into the ethical issues that affect admissions into the ICU as well as the process of discharging, the objective of this research if to explore and identify ethical dilemmas that face professionals in the healthcare sector. The main hypotheses is therefore based on the problems that are ethical in in the admission as well as discharge context in the ICU, which are divided into various problems that concern occupancy in full, of the beds as well as problems that are related to decisions on treatment (Ulrich et al, 2010). Body Research background/ context Only few empirical studies into the factors that are non-medical, and affect nurses and physicians in making decisions about the process of discharging and admitting patients in the ICU.Information relating to the healthcare professionals attitude about such process can be utilized in enhancing the process of decision making about intensive care resource allocation. The ICU is an environment of high pressure, where there is delivery of expensive health-care by personnel who are highly to patients that suffer from diseases that are potentially life-threatening (Ulrich et al, 2010).There is limited bed availability, which makes high throughput for patients quite important. Such a throughput usually depends on new patients admission as well as discharging to general wards of the ones whose care equipment for ICU is meant to have ended. The societal financial pressure and higher management keeps increasing. Care services that are critical give a representation of a proportion of net hos pital costs that keep increasing, up right from 1980s 8% to the 2006s 20% in the United States for example. In addition, in Netherlands, ICU department costs have been estimated to give a representation of close to 20% of the total budget for the hospitals. The ICU bed number that is limited as well as the ICU care pressure on the total budget for the hospital, makes it necessary for ICU beds optimal use as well as flow of patients from the emergency room, general ward and operating theatre to the ICU and the opposite is applicable (McLeod, 2014). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Ethical Dilemmas in Intensive Care Unit (ICU)" essay for you Create order Literature Review This study was quite descriptive and explorative at the same time as it used qualitative methods, both focus and individual group interviews. Face to face interviews that are semi-structured are quite useful in exploration of topics that are sensitive in depth. In the focus groups that are subsequent, the interaction and group dynamic among participants helps a greater deal in further exploration as well as clarification of views for participants. Those included nurses and physicians in Dutch hospitals, who work either in the ICU department, or regularly in the general ward through admitting of patients from the ICU (McLeod, 2014). Sampling 19 individual interviews were conducted as well as 4 focus group interviews accompanies with physicians and nurses that work in the general ward or ICU of 10 Dutch hospitals. Before the study was started, there was establishment of contact through telephone with physicians in the ICU in six different hospitals; two of them being general, two academic and two teaching hospitals. Through all these six contacts for hospitals, nurses and physicians were recruited by use of interviews face-to-face. Criteria for inclusion was basically involvement in care for patients that is post-ICU; working as a nurse or physician in either the general ward or ICU regularly doing admissions for post-ICU patients. All participants who were prospective were informed through email on the studys objective as well as being invited for participation. The interviews were conducted at the work place for the participants. The number of total interviews highly depended in the saturation point. There was also d evelopment of interview guide with questions that are open-ended as well as a pilot testing (McLeod, 2014). Presentation of Data and Data Analysis Coding of the focus group and interview transcripts was done by use of ATLAS.ti 6.2. Such analysis was conducted by use of an approach of grounded theory where, the codebook and codes are emerged from the data, contrary to the previous way of formulating tested hypotheses against data that is qualitative. The interviews done on first five individuals were coded as NvS, AO and MZ. After that, any discrepancies that occurred were discussed in depth till consensus was arrived at. A double analysis (MZ and AO) as well as subsequent discussions were also done for interview transcript of the first group. Coding of the entire transcripts was done by one of the researchers (AO). The guideline for COREQ was used for research that is qualitative for both analysis and design. The obtained datas implications for nursing are that the focus and individual interviews for groups showed that in the admission and discharge process of discharge in the ICU context, ethical problems come up at various points in time. When making decision about patient admissions to the ICU right from the emergency room, general ward or operating theatre (A); During the stay of a patient inside the ICU(B) and, when making decision about a patient discharging from the ICU (Gregory et al, 2004). Implication of the Data on Nursing It is very important for general wards and ICUs to do good communication and cooperation, as there is a mutual dependency that is on patient flow that is optimal between the various departments. There is need for interventions that help in improving the cooperation as well as understanding between such wards as it helps in mitigation of problems that are ethical. The environment nature of the ICU makes it quite important for professionals in the healthcare field to be aware of the over-treatment risks, do a reflection of the reasons as to why they do that which they do, as well as being mindful of an imminent negative impact of patients over-treatment. Patients wishes early discussion in regard to options of treatment is quite important in the prevention of over-treatment. The study identified various problems that are ethical at three various instances during the process of discharge and admission; that which surrounded the admission at the ICU, during stay at the ICU and around di scharge at the ICU. They can further be subdivided into two different categories, those that are related to full occupancy of the bed and those that have to do with decisions on treatment (Gregory et al, 2004). Limitations of the study The studys limitations included; any study that is qualitative has the risk of giving responses that are eliciting false and social desire from the interviewees, particularly when inquiries are being made after all topics in the ethics field. Through asking the various participants to do a description of the examples of problems that themselves went through, the risk is hoped to have been diminished. However, in future, there is need to require more of the quantity of focus group and interview participants ,especially when putting to consideration the qualitative researchs labor-intensiveness as well as the number of interviews that is suggested in the literature (Gregory et al, 2004). Conclusion It is very important for general wards and ICUs to do a good cooperation, given that there exists a mutual dependency for the patient flow that is optimal between the various departments. Interventions that aim at improving the cooperation as well as understanding between such wards may go a long way in helping to mitigate problems that are ethical-based (Gregory et al, 2004). References Gregory, K, et al. (2004). Ethical Issues in the Intensive Care Unit : Hospital Physician Board Review Manual, Tuner White Communications, Wayne, PA.. McLeod, A., (2014) . Nurses Views of the Causes of Ethical Dilemmas During Treatment Cessation in the ICU: A Qualitative Study in British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. USA. Ulrich, C.M et al.,(2010). Moral distress: a growing problem in the health professions? Hastings Cent Rep.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Giver Essay Topics - Is it a Scam?

The Giver Essay Topics - Is it a Scam? Choosing Good Giver Essay Topics Feelings are among the absolute most essential things in life. Kids do not choose what color pajamas they're going to wear because everything is the exact same. Baby gifts are lots of fun not just to the giver but to the expecting receiver also. The absolute most hot and trendy idea are personalized baby solutions. Giving gifts on special occasions has ever been a tradition throughout the world. Though furniture may cost you a bit, but there's still a reasonable choice for you. If your want to make your handmade furniture, don't hesitate to do so. Reading example essays works precisely the same way! Your language of essay has to be easy and understandable. Generally, it requires a research on the topic and different thoughts. Essays might be lightly modified for readability or to defend the anonymity of contributors, but we don't edit essay examples ahead of publication. Last words of advice should be creative and innovative whilst writing literary essay. Following are various kinds of essay topics for students that are categorized in many sections so you can easily chose the topic in accordance with your need and requirement. Though the idea may be appealing to young readers, it doesn't attract the exact feelings from adult readers. The message within this theme is that to be able to receive and appreciate the ideal life offers, you also need to endure some undesirable experiences. It is also shown in a big risk that had a big impact on the story. One other important theme in The Giveris the value of the person. Normally, it takes up to two hours of time to comb through dozens of sites until you discover something exciting to write about. With FreeEssayHelp you'll find hundreds of Giver essay topics in a matter of many seconds. Together with the topics, you'd come across loads of papers free of charge. To begin writing your assignment you would want to run into an interesting and promising topic. It was your very first Stirrings You're prepared for the pills. The constant attention of the puppies demonstrate that Esche is a really sensitive person that has the very best interest of others above the very best interest of her own self. 1 The ending of the giver was interpreted in a couple of unique ways. Only he and the old Giver know all the terrible things that need to happen so as to continue to keep their community in fantastic order, and also these isolates Jonas from his buddies and family members. At one time previously, the folks who inhabited Jonas' community meant to create an ideal society. So are most of the folks who reside locally. During his twelve years locally, he hadn't ever felt such straightforward moments of exquisite happiness. Everyone In Jonas' community feels exactly the same way towards one another, which means they don't have any feelings. On the flip side, Cuba and the Community and similar in the manner that in both places, several of the citizens rights are taken away and they're not permitted to leave the land. A lot of people become bullied or harassed in life due to their specific traits or qualities. Without choices, citizens are passing up important life lessons that can assist you later on in life. The citizens learn at an extremely early age to accept what they're given.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Media Use in Identity Construction free essay sample

In society today the construction of a personal identity can be seen to be somewhat problematic and difficult. Young people are surrounded by influential imagery, especially that of popular media. It is no longer possible for an identity to be constructed merely in a small community and only be influenced by family. Nowadays, arguably everything concerning out lives is seen to be ‘media-saturated’. Therefore, it is obvious that in constructing an identity young people would make use of imagery derived from the popular media. For example, it is becoming increasingly common for young children to have their own television and music systems in their bedrooms whilst also having easy and frequent access to magazines especially aimed at the ‘developing’ child and/or teenager. Such young people would also have a way of accessing the Internet be it at school or sometimes at home. However, it is fair to say that in some instances the freedom of exploring the web could be limited depending on the choice of the parents or teachers. We will write a custom essay sample on Media Use in Identity Construction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So, if young people have such frequent access and an interest in the media, it is fair to say that their behaviour and their sense of ‘self’ will be influenced to some degree by what they see, read, hear or discover for themselves. Such an influence may include a particular way of behaving or dressing to the kind of music a person chooses to listen to. These are all aspects which go towards constructing a person’s own personal identity. By close investigation into the popular media, and by using two specific examples of a popular teen magazine and a recent ‘teenage’ hit single that got to number 2 in the British charts, I intend to illustrate the various ways in which young people make use of imagery derived from popular media in the construction of their identities.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Misunderstanding Life essays

Misunderstanding Life essays There were three words that changed my intellectual life and the way I had perceived things. Think about it! Those were the words that were said to me, the phrase think about it didn't have such a powerful meaning until that day. I would have never thought that three words could change a person's life, it changed mines. These words think about it became the most influential words I've ever heard. It was the person who said it and the way he said it that made me take the words in a serious way. My life in elementary was taking a turn for worst I was a bad, carefree, and a want be hard core kid. Even with my mother in the school working as a teacher assistant my behavior was at a low for about eight hours a day at school. My sixth grade teacher on the first day said " I'm not going to have any loud mouth punks in this class. This is my class if you or anyone else don't like what I'm doing in here they will be asked to leave". When he announced that I believe that he was talking about me. What the teacher said to me during that time seemed to me as a bunch of garbage and it didn't effect me, I knew what I was going to do (be a pest) and not do (be a angel). Even though this was the meanest teacher that was in the school and we disagreed on many things, I felt that he sensed that I respected him. In the middle of the school year I was often catching myself doing things that I wasn't supposed to, just to test my boundaries. The process of my intellectual life changing came ab out because of a thing that I did to a girl. One day a girl and I were walking back to class after gym, the gym was in the basement and our class was on the fourth floor. I think just because she was a girl and I had a reputation of being bad, I had to do something to her that would make her laugh or get a reaction out of her. So as we walked up the stairs I turned around and put my hands were they was not supposed to be. I heard her scream and I ran up the stair...

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Race and Racism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Race and Racism - Essay Example Thesis statement: An investigation by exploring the factors, historical evolution, and ways that changed the meaning of race to racism. I. The factors that change the meaning of race throughout history The factors that change the meaning of race mainly include phenotypic /geographic features, cultural characteristics, ethnic characteristics, and socio-economic status. A. Phenotypic /geographic features: One can easily identify that the phenotypic characteristics of human race is closely related to its physiological properties which deeply influence behaviour traits and genetic characteristics. To be specific, the phenotypic characteristics of a race differentiate the same from other races. But the phenotypic features that can be seen among different races are not based upon scientific foundation (Rattansi, 2007, p.75). Still, the physical features that can be seen among the members of different human groups are different. From a different angle of view, the phenotypic characteristics of a specific race are forwarded to the next generation by the means of inheritance. Besides, this continuation of genetic peculiarities undergoes modification and deeply influenced hereditary and environmental factors in general. The geographic features that can be seen among different races are closely related to their surroundings. These geographic features are helpful to differentiate and identify the similarities and differences among different races with innumerable numbers of genetic features. B. Cultural characteristics: The cultural characteristics acquired by different races are indebted to its origin, growth and development. Besides, the term/concept of culture was originated in Europe (18th and 19th Centuries) and is related to the sphere of improvement in different fields of human development. The concept of cultural characteristics within the evolution of different races can be defined as the development through education, by means of folklore culture or literature. E thnic groups can be defined on the basis of specific cultural characteristics (Ritzer, 2009, p.439). To be specific, the people who share certain genetic and cultural characteristics can be termed under a specific ethnic group. Within this scenario, cultural characteristics of the evolution of race transformed itself into national aspirations. Later in 20th century, the term culture acquired importance in the field of anthropology. The importance of cultural characteristics of a specific race can be evaluated as the human capacity to encompass almost all the experiences and to act according basic instincts and to transfer it into imagination and creativity. In addition, the cultural characteristics are closely related to the living condition of different races. After the World War II, the term cultural characteristics acquired a different meaning and importance by connecting it with the development of human race as a whole. C. Ethnic characteristics: The ethnic feature of different races within human race is an important factor that did change the meaning of race throughout history. For instance, one’s ethnic feature helps one to differentiate oneself from other races or to find similarities within one’s own race. Besides, the ethnic feature helps different races to create cohesiveness within a specific ethnic

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Addressing Passive Smoking in Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Addressing Passive Smoking in Children - Essay Example According to the article, PS exposure in children is one of the contributing factors for morbidity and mortality. The article is also associated majority of the disabilities in children with lower respiratory infections that are caused by PS exposure. The health effects of PS in children included a high risk of respiratory infections, asthma as well as wheezing. According to the article, PS exposure in children is very high in Dutch, and it mainly takes place at homes. The statistics provided by the authors of the article showed that children below the age of 4 are the main victims of PS exposure (Hutchinson, Kuijilaars, Mesters, Muris, Schayk, Dompeling, & Feron, 2014). The aim of Hutchinson and his colleagues writing this article was to assess the practices of three Dutch health professions concerning parental counseling for PS in children. They used electronic questionnaires in conducting their cross-sectional study. The samples for the study that constituted of 720 physicians were selected from three Dutch health professions located in Limburg, the Netherlands. This was achieved by inviting the physicians’ representatives to complete self-administered electronic questionnaires that had questions on their gender, work experience, and personal smoking habits (Hutchinson et al., 2014). Other issues that were addressed in the questionnaires included their counseling practices as well as education about PS in children.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Analysis of the Politics of Problem Definition

Analysis of the Politics of Problem Definition INTRODUCTION Comprehending the pros and cons of issues becoming public problems is the clue to understanding the course of action and agenda setting. In the American system there are issues such as poverty, equity, violence, substance abuse, etc. which continuously encroaches on the system but only few can be regarded as public problems and become a consideration for public agenda. Factors like expansion of participation and issue characteristics are liable for a problem to become public. The study assesses the problem definition process using a threshold model of collective behavior. This is based critically on an individual’s threshold of abstinence from the conditions across society. Expectation of the number of individuals who have already crossed the threshold or are likely to cross it influences the inclination of individuals to cross the non-acceptance threshold. To comprehend this, a theoretical framework to the sexual harassment problem and Clarence Thomas Supreme Court nomination hearings has been utilized. It has been tested with factual data for statistical assessment to an array of collective behavior. THE PROCESS OF PROBLEM DEFINITION A multitude of conditions such as pollution, hunger, smoking and child abuse have plagued America through time but there has been no public disclosure to define them as problem. Therefore a divorce prevails between objective conditions and problem definitions. Citizens assess conditions at individual levels. Social influences, values, culture and norms cause an individual to have a neutral or favorable response to the existing conditions. Understanding of objective costs, benefits of a particular condition can vary in individuals and are evaluated accordingly. When the costs of tolerating the conditions become ample, an individual will cross the threshold of public non-acceptance. GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS The graphical representation of the threshold model is used to understand collective behavior. Here, p = individual’s expectation of the proportion of the population that fails to publicly oppose the condition Oi = private assessment of the condition based on the ratio of costs to benefit plus costs of the condition. The private assessment is Oi and expected social non acceptance (1-p). The heavy line represents the threshold at which individuals with different costs and expectations of social non-acceptance are precisely indifferent between publicly accepting versus non-accepting the condition. The space to the left indicates individuals publicly accepting the condition and the right expresses non-acceptance. In fig. 1 individuals who privately assess the costs of the condition move to public non-acceptance only if they have expectations that the proportion of social non-acceptance is greater. When Oi=1, proportion of (1-p) is greater than 0.40 and when Oi=0.75, proportion of (1-p) is larger than 0.50. If media educate the public about the costs and benefits of the conditions there will be changed problem definition. As individuals alter their private evaluations, the slope of the function representing the distribution of threshold, changes. In fig.2 if Oi=0.75 then (1-p) exceeds 0.30 and when Oi=0.50 expected (1-p) exceeds to 0.50 to oppose the condition. The media makes the setting more useful to changing problem definition by changing the distribution of thresholds for individuals. In fig.3 a cumulative density function of social non acceptance (the dashed line) is superimposed onto the threshold function depicted earlier. The upper horizontal axis indicates actual social non-acceptanc e after cost benefit evaluations. This diagram implies that there is wide gap between private cost-benefit assessment and public positions. The stable equilibria level indicated may alter to change in factual data made available by media, political leaders. Problem reevaluation occurs in an interspersed manner due to the swift shift from point of equilibria to another. Testing the applicability of such models is difficult because of exact data requirements aggregate data may be used to analyze to crossing of the threshold levels of non-acceptance. The importance of the feedback mechanism has also been indicated. SEXUAL HARRASSMENT AND THE CLARENCE THOMAS SUPREME COURT NOMINATION HEARING The feminist movements in the late 1970s termed the exploitation of women by men in the workplace as sexual harassment. This was emphasized by women’s groups who started to educate and garner their support. Statistics reveal that prior to the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court nomination hearings; sexual harassment in workplace was common in America. The Thomas nomination hearings in September and October 1991 drastically altered the political scenario on the issue of sexual harassment. Thomas, a conservative African American, a member of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia was nominated as a Justice of the Supreme Court. The Senate Judiciary Committee held eight days of hearing on the nomination. The nomination was sent to the full Senate without a recommendation. Prior to the scheduled vote, the National Public Radio broadcasted a story that spread rapidly. Anita Hill, a colleague of Thomas alleged sexual harassment against him. Intense pressure from public group s and interests culminated in the postponement schedules votes to investigate charges. Since the hearings were televised nationally, Americans became more educated and aware of the issue. The hearing ended with public opinion swaying in Thomas’ direction and he was confirmed by a narrow margin as a Supreme Court Justice. Simultaneously it was a failure of the women’s movement to remedy the issue of sexual harassment and it would be tolerated and those making the allegations failed to produce change. The focus on the issue enhanced citizen mobilization enhanced. The EEOC data showed equilibrium prior to the hearing. The increase in the number of charges filed corresponded with the timings of the hearing. It was evident that a new higher equilibrium of charges filed was attained. Thus, the cascading process denoted in fig. 3 was at work since there was inertial movement to a new equilibrium. There was no feedback prior or after the hearing. Before the hearings increased prior charges and successes resulted in fewer new charges. This suggests that negative feedback maintained the pre intervention equilibrium. After the hearings increased prior charges and successes produced new charges and successes. This suggests a cascading effect to the new equilibrium. Before the hearings and enhance media attention to sexual harassment actually produced few charges but after the hearings the effect of the media attention on new charges had a dynamic escalation. CONCLUSION This analysis has amalgamated the individual evaluation of costs and benefits with data and social forces resulting in a dynamic change in collective behavior which is best illustrated by using threshold model of collective behavior and distribution of individuals’ thresholds of non-acceptance on the conditions in society. The application of this was explained through the Thomas Supreme Court Nomination hearings. Focus of media and public resulted in more charges, more successes and increase of media attention. Thus in conclusion it can be said that is there is a pre-existing condition that many find privately costly, with widespread public acceptance, the system is ready for a metamorphosis. Since there is a multitude of such conditions prevalent in America at one time and disturbances are likely to occur and changes in the American political system will be present always. Reference Dan Wood, B., Doan, A. (2003). The politics of problem definition: applying and testing threshold models.American Journal of Political Science,47(4), 640-653.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Comments on Society in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman :: Death Salesman essays

Comments on Society in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman Often times when we read literature, we can derive certain ideas or messages that the author of the work is trying to illustrate. After reading the play Death Of A Salesman by Arthur Miller, it is evident that he is trying to comment on our society . These comments on society being expressed are demonstrated in several examples throughout the play.   I think the idea that Miller is trying to get across to the audience is that, today's society is filled with people who don't get the credit they deserve for the "little things" they do in life.   These people in society are like "unsung heroes" because the hard work they do might be overlooked. If others around you see that you are not living up to their expectations or their standards, they may put you down instead of giving you the credit you deserve. Other times we do not appreciate the "little things" that our loved ones do for us until it is too late. Usually these little things impact us the most.   In this play, I think the "unsung hero" is no doubt Willy Loman, an aging salesman, father, and husband to the Loman Family. For example in the play, Willy is getting old and his success in business is suddenly declining. His salary was even taken away, leaving him to depend only on commission. Because of this, his two sons Biff and Happy, along with others that knew him, constantly put him down for not always being on top, saying how he didn't have any character, and that he was crazy. No one knew him at work anymore and no one showed Willy the respect he needed. Others looked down on him not realizing how exhausted he was trying to make a living just for his family. In reality,   Willy would drive 700 miles to work and come home without even earning a cent. He had to borrow money from Charley just to provide food on the table so that he could provide a future for his sons. I think that Willy should've been acknowledged for that in itself but instead, his two sons never even t ook the time out to thank him for just going out everyday trying to make it in the world. Unfortunately, Biff and Happy could only fully realize this when Willy was at the end of his rope, secretly trying to kill himself.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Political Risks in International Marketing

Assessing the political environment is an important part in any business decision. Laws and regulations passed by either local, regional and central government bodies can affect foreign firms' operations. Also, firms are comfortable assessing the political climates in their home countries. However, assessing the political climates in other countries is still problematic. Classification and description of political risks When doing international business, the manager may face several types of financial risks.The major types of financial risks are commercial risks, political risks, exchange rate risks, and other such as inflation-related risks. Thus, political risks are non commercial risks. Political risks are any changes in the political environment that may adversely affect the value of a firm's business activities. Political risks may occur in any nation, but the risks vary considerably between countries. We may distinguish two types of classification of political risks. A classifi cation based on the characteristic of political risks and a classification or categorization based on the local government actions or control.Classification based on the characteristics of political risks Characteristics refer to as the facts that are inherent to each political risk. In other terms, their uniqueness or what make them different from one another. There are three types of such characteristics: ownership risks, operating risks, and transfer risks. Ownership risk In which the property of the firm is threatened through expropriation, confiscation or domestication. Ownership risk exposes property and life. The triad will be explained in the second classification. Operating risk  In which there is interference with the firm operations.The ongoing operations of the and/or the safety of its employees are threatened through changes in laws, environmental standards, tax codes, terrorism, armed insurrection or wars, and so forth. Transfer risk  In which the government interf eres with a firm's ability to shift funds into and out of the country. Classification based host country actions We can distinguish two types: political risks out of the government control and political risk induced by the government. Political risks out of government control. There are risks or events arise from nongovernmental actions, factors that are outside the government responsibility.There are  wars, revolution, coup d'etat, terrorism, strikes, extortion, and kidnappings. They all derived from some unstable social situation, with population frustration and intolerance. All these risks can generate violence, directed towards firms' property and employees. We may also have the case of  externally induced financial constraints and externally imposed limits on imports or exports, especially in case of embargoes or any economic sanctions against the host country. Political risks induced by the government These risks constitute some laws directed against foreign firms. Some go vernment-induced risks are very drastic.There are expropriation, confiscation and domestication. Expropriation  is the seizure of foreign assets by a government with payment of compensation to the owners. In other terms, it is involuntary transfer of property, with compensation, from a privately owned firm to a host country government. Expropriation may generate some funds for the owners. However, procedures to get paid from the government are sometimes protracted and the final amount remains low. Furthermore, if no compensation is paid, conflicts may erupt between the host country and the country of the expropriated firm.For instance, the relations between U. S. and Cuba acknowledge such situation, since Cuba does not offer compensation to U. S. firms that have their assets sized. 3(*)  Also, expropriation can refrain other companies from investing in the concerned country. Confiscation  is another type of ownership risk similar to expropriation, except compensation. It is in voluntary transfer of property, no compensation, from a privately owned firm to a host country government. In confiscation, firms do not receive any funds from government. Thereby, it represents a more risky situation for foreign firms.Some industries are more vulnerable to confiscation than others because of their importance to the host countries and their lack of ability to shift operations. Sectors such as mining, energy, public utilities, and banking have been targets of such government actions. Domestication  offers to governments a subtle control over the foreign investments. There is a partial ownership transfer and companies are urged to prioritize local production and to retain a large share of the profit within the country. Domestication can negatively impact the international marketer activities, as well as that of the entire firm.For example, if foreign companies are forced to hire nationals as managers, poor cooperation and communication can result. If domestication w as imposed within a short time span, poorly trained and inexperienced local managers would head the firm operations with possible lost of profits. Other government actions-related risks  are less dangerous but more common such as  boycott, sabotage. When facing shortage of foreign currency, government, sometimes, attempts to  control the movement of capital  in and out of the country. Often,  exchange controls  are levied selectively against certain products or companies.Exchange controls limit importation of goods so that firms might be confronted with difficulties in their regular transactions. Severe restrictions on import  can be a motive for foreign corporate to shut down. Governments may also raise the tax rate applied to foreign investors in order to control them and their capital. Government may implement a  price control system. Such control uses to derive from a sensitive political situation. For example, social pressure may result in a kind of price standa rdization for particular sectors like food, transportation, fuel, and healthcare.Political risks like arms conflicts, insurrection may affect all firms in the country equally. For that reason they are called  macro political risks. Unlike, nationalization, strikes, expropriation may affect only a handful and specific firm, they are named  micro political risks. Impact of some political risks Some negative effects of political risks on firm are summarized in the following table. Table 1. Holistic table summarizing the major political risks and their effects on firms TYPES| IMPACT ON FIRMS| Expropriation| Loss of future profits| | | Confiscation| Loss of assets| Loss of future profits| | | Campaigns against foreign goods| Loss of sales| | Increased costs of public relations efforts to improve public image| | | Mandatory labor benefits legislation| Increased operating costs| | | Kidnappings, terrorists threats, and other forms of violence| Disrupted production| | Increased security costs| | Increased managerial costs| | Lower productivity| | | Civil wars| Destruction of property| | Lost sales| | Disruption of production| | Increased security costs| | Lower productivity| | | Inflation| Higher operating costs| | Repatriation| Inability to transfer funds freely| | | Currency devaluations| Reduced value of repatriated earnings| | | Increased taxation| Lower after-tax profits| | | Source, Ricky W. Griffin, International business, 2005, page 73 In long run, and depending on the severity of the risks, action taken by government may decrease income and be detrimental to the host country economy. Strong political risks that are deeply rooted in the country governance habit might be barriers to foreign investment and country prosperity. What is going on in West Africa?

Friday, January 3, 2020

Definition and Examples of Ethos in Classical Rhetoric

In classical rhetoric, ethos is a persuasive appeal (one of the three artistic proofs) based on the character or projected character of the speaker or writer. Also called  ethical appeal or ethical argument. According to Aristotle, the chief components of a compelling ethos are goodwill, practical wisdom, and virtue. As an adjective: ethical or ethotic. Two broad types of ethos are commonly recognized: invented ethos and situated ethos.  Crowley and Hawhee observe that rhetors can invent a character suitable to an occasion—this is  invented ethos. However, if  rhetors  are fortunate enough to enjoy a good reputation in the community, they can use it as an ethical proof—this is  situated ethos (Ancient Rhetorics for Contemporary Students. Pearson, 2004). Pronunciation EE-thos Etymology From the Greek, custom, habit, character Related Terms IdentificationImplied AuthorLogos and PathosPersonaPhilophronesisPhronesis Examples and Observations A Universal Appeal Everyone makes an appeal to ethos if only an ethos of choosing never to stoop to such matters as ethos. No speech with intent is non-rhetorical.  Rhetoric is  not everything, but it is everywhere in  the speech of human  arguers. (Donald N. McCloskey, How to Do a Rhetorical Analysis, and Why. New Directions in Economic Methodology, ed. by Roger Backhouse. Routledge, 1994) Projected Characters Im not a doctor, but I play one on TV. (1960s TV commercial for Excedrin)I made my mistakes, but in all of my years of public life, I have never profited, never profited from public service—I earned every cent. And in all of my years of public life, I have never obstructed justice. And I think, too, that I could say that in my years of public life, that I welcome this kind of examination  because people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I am not a crook. I have earned everything I have got. (President Richard Nixon, news conference in Orlando, Florida, November 17, 1973)It was a highly inconvenient thing for them in our debates that I was just a country boy from Arkansas and I came from a place where people still thought two and two was four. (Bill Clinton, speech at the Democratic National Convention, 2012)If, in my low moments, in word, deed or attitude, through some error of temper, taste, or tone, I have caused anyone discomfort, created p ain, or revived someones fears, that was not my truest self. If there were occasions when my grape turned into a raisin and my joy bell lost its resonance, please forgive me. Charge it to my head and not to my heart. My head—so limited in its finitude; my heart, which is boundless in its love for the human family. I am not a perfect servant. I am a public servant doing my best against the odds. (Jesse Jackson, Democratic National Convention Keynote Address, 1984) Contrasting Views The status of ethos in the hierarchy of rhetorical principles has fluctuated as rhetoricians in different eras have tended to define  rhetoric in terms of either idealistic aims or pragmatic skills. [For Plato] the reality of the speakers virtue is presented as a prerequisite to effective speaking. In contrast, Aristotles Rhetoric presents rhetoric as a strategic art which facilitates decisions in civil matters and accepts the appearance of goodness as sufficient to inspire conviction in hearers...The contrasting views of Cicero and Quintilian about the aims of rhetoric and the function of ethos are reminiscent of Platos and Aristotles differences of opinion about whether or not moral virtue in the speaker is intrinsic and prerequisite or selected and strategically presented. (Nan Johnson, Ethos and the Aims of Rhetoric. Essays on Classical Rhetoric and Modern Discourse, ed. by Robert J. Connors, Lisa Ede, and Andrea Lunsford. Southern Illinois University Press, 1984) Aristotle on Ethos If Aristotles study of pathos is a psychology of emotion, then his treatment of ethos amounts to a sociology of character. It is not simply a how-to guide to establishing ones credibility with an audience, but rather it is a careful study of what Athenians consider to be the qualities of a trustworthy individual. (James Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric. Allyn and Bacon, 2001)Fundamental to the Aristotelian concept of ethos is the ethical principle of voluntary choice: the speakers intelligence, character, and qualities comprehended by goodwill are evidenced through invention, style, delivery, and likewise incorporated in the arrangement of the speech. Ethos is primarily developed by Aristotle as a function of rhetorical invention; secondarily, through style and delivery. (William Sattler, Conceptions of Ethos in Ancient Rhetoric. Speech Monographs, 14, 1947) Ethical Appeals in Advertising and Branding Some types of oratory may rely more heavily on one type of proof than another. Today, for example, we note that a great deal of advertising uses ethos extensively through celebrity endorsements, but it might not use  pathos. It is  clear from Aristotles discussion in Rhetoric, however, that, overall, the three proofs work in conjunction to persuade (see Grimaldi, 1972). Moreover, it is equally clear that ethical character is the lynchpin that holds everything together. As Aristotle stated, moral character . . . constitutes the most effective means of proof (1356a). An audience is just not likely to respond positively to a speaker of bad character: His or her statement of premises will be met with skepticism; he or she will find it difficult to rouse the emotions appropriate to the situation; and the quality of the speech itself will be viewed negatively. (James Dale Williams, An Introduction to Classical Rhetoric. Wiley, 2009)On its face, personal branding as reputation managemen t shares some basic traits with the ancient Greek concept of ethos, which is commonly understood as the art of convincing ones audience that one is prudent or exercises good judgment (phronesis),  is of good moral character (arà ªte), and is acting with good will toward ones audience (eunoia). Historically, scholars of rhetoric have seen the basis of persuasion as a speakers capacity to understand and tailor ones message according to the complexities of social situations and human character. Ethos, broadly speaking, is understood as the rhetorical construction of a speakers character. (Christine Harold, Brand You!: The Business of Personal Branding and Community in Anxious Times. The Routledge Companion to Advertising and Promotional Culture, ed. by Matthew P. McAllister and Emily West. Routledge, 2013) Ethical Proof in Jonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal The specific details by which Swift builds up the ethical proof fall into four categories descriptive of the projector: his humanity, his self-confidence, his competence in the immediate subject of the proposal, and his reasonableness...I have said that the projector is a bit cocksure. He is also manifestly humble and modest. The proposal is a modest one. It is introduced in generally modest terms: I SHALL NOW therefore humbly propose my own thoughts ...; I do humbly offer to public consideration. . . . Swift has blended these two qualities of his projector in such a way that both are convincing and that neither quality overshadows the other. The result is a pleader whose humility is justifiably tempered by the sure knowledge that he has something to offer Ireland, to her everlasting benefit. These are the explicit indicants of the moral character of the pleader; they are reinforced and dramatized by the whole tone of the essay. (Charles A. Beaumont, Swifts Classical Rhetoric. Univer sity of Georgia Press, 1961)